Harrison got invited to participate in SCIBA (South Central Iowa Bandmasters Association) Middle School Honor Band this year. 7th graders are nominated from their middle school band by their directors. Harrison and 4 of his classmates were nominated and they practiced together along with approximately 100 other musicians today at Ankeny Centennial High School today. Their performance was this evening and it was absolutely wonderful. I love watching him play and I love that he loves to play. I try and stay in the moment, but sometimes it's hard to wait for things like pep band and especially marching band in high school. Today, in the moment, I am so thankful that Harrison has had the opportunity to see what a large concert band not only sounds like but what it feels like to be part of an impassioned group of musicians.

Christopher for Harrison's concert.
Harrison is thankful that he had a great day at SCIBA and had a wonderful concert. I even made two new friends!
Bennett is thankful he got to go to Harrison's concert. It was really good.
Miles is thankful for piano. Piano is fun and I am working on the Russian Folk Dance by Beethovan and City of Stars by Justin Hurtwiz.
Annabelle that I filled out my brownie pan at school. It gives me the opportunity to bring a comfy item to school on Friday.
Rocco is thankful for his cousins (June & Jett visited last night). They are awesome.
Emma is thankful for her little brother. He arrived yesterday at 1:18pm and weighs 9 lbs 10 oz. His name is Harrison Glenn. 💙
Rocky is thankful for his mom. She is the parent helper today and will take me to school and I love her.
Felix is thankful to come to my house. I love Beth's house days!
Evelyn is thankful for twirling. She twirls and twirls and twirls. And then laughs and laughs and laughs.
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