Thursday, November 2, 2017

November 2

Be grateful for all you have, but never settle for less than you can be.

The weather has been fabulous for cozy sweaters and thick socks. This has not been conducive to outdoor play. But, (staying on theme) thankfully there seems to be a calm with the wind and a slight rise in temperature. The sun even peaked out for a while and the kids played outside after school. They needed that outdoor time!

Today I am thankful for the moon over downtown Des Moines at 6:00pm tonight. It was huge and with the hazy clouds it looked like a planet out of Star Wars. I was driving or I would have gotten a picture.

Christopher is thankful for half days at work.

Harrison my new hair cut. I really like it!

Bennett is thankful reading. I am at a really good part of my book. (The Fourth Stall)

Miles is thankful that he had school today.

Annabelle is thankful for P.E. I beat other teams 4 times and scored 3 hoops.

Rocco is thankful for friends playing with him at recess.

Emma is thankful for mommy. She does nice things for me.

Rocky is thankful for cherries. I LOVE cherries!

Felix is thankful for the kitties. I love the kitties.

Evelyn is thankful for books. She spent 10 minutes today putting 4 board books on the table and then going from chair to chair reading different ones set at the different spots.

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