Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls. ~ David Thomas
I am thankful to be able to go see a lecture given by Amy Tan. She was amazing. Witty, smart, humble and honest. And she is a great author and we all know how much I love books!
Christopher is thankful that I was not in the car when 'fucktard' hit the Alero. (He really has a way with words.) :)
Harrison is thankful that he got to watch two movies that he had recorded a long time ago.
Bennett is thankful that Dad was home all day.
Thankfulness 2012
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Lazy Saturday
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~ Desmond Tutu
I am thankful for my married-into-family. I have married into a wonderful family and not only do I have a GREAT sister-in-law, but I have 5 fabulous gals that I am so thankful to call cousins. And the men they married aren't so bad either!
Christopher is thankful to be working today.
Harrison is thankful that he got to stay in his pj's all day.
Bennett is thankful that he got yo start his day going to get hot chocolate with Mom.
Thankfulness 2012
I am thankful for my married-into-family. I have married into a wonderful family and not only do I have a GREAT sister-in-law, but I have 5 fabulous gals that I am so thankful to call cousins. And the men they married aren't so bad either!
Christopher is thankful to be working today.
Harrison is thankful that he got to stay in his pj's all day.
Bennett is thankful that he got yo start his day going to get hot chocolate with Mom.
Thankfulness 2012
Friday, November 8, 2013
It's Friday...
Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
I am thankful for my love of baking. And apple cider snicker doodles. Delish!
Christopher is thankful for the nice weather.
I am thankful for my love of baking. And apple cider snicker doodles. Delish!
Christopher is thankful for the nice weather.
Harrison is thankful for awesomeness. Awesomeness is the key to success. (Ego, much?) :)
Bennett is thankful for book clubs. He loves all of his book clubs! (Friends Book Club with Will, Miles and Caden and school 'Book Club' with Ms. Clark)
Miles - "Well, I am not thankful for a paper cut, but I am thankful Dad came and ate lunch with me."
Annabelle - "I don't know." OK, well can you think of someone who is kind to you? "CADEN! He is always so nice and he is my friend. I am thankful for Caden."
Rocco is thankful for Lego guys. He LOVES to take the heads off of the Lego guys.
Emma is thankful for Rocco making her laugh. He is rubbing his head into her belly!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
November 7
If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get. ~ Frank A. Clark
I am thankful for my home. It is old. It is worn. It is loved. I feel cozy and comfortable here with my family. I am also thankful to have a home.
Christopher is thankful for his coworkers. They are a great group. Ted switched him so that he could go to the last Hawkeye game.
Harrison is thankful for books. I just love reading new books!
Bennett is thankful for the Cubs. And baseball. I can't wait to play baseball.
Miles is thankful that Mrs. Leise, Sam and Miles got to read together. They are reading 'With My Mom and Dad.'
Annabelle is thankful for flowers. The trees look like big flowers with all their different colors!
Rocco is thankful for Chris teaching him how to 'honk' like a trucker. Toot! Toot!
Emma is thankful for her socks. I have never met a baby who keeps her socks on better than Emma!
Thankfulness 2012
I am thankful for my home. It is old. It is worn. It is loved. I feel cozy and comfortable here with my family. I am also thankful to have a home.
Christopher is thankful for his coworkers. They are a great group. Ted switched him so that he could go to the last Hawkeye game.
Harrison is thankful for books. I just love reading new books!
Bennett is thankful for the Cubs. And baseball. I can't wait to play baseball.
Miles is thankful that Mrs. Leise, Sam and Miles got to read together. They are reading 'With My Mom and Dad.'
Annabelle is thankful for flowers. The trees look like big flowers with all their different colors!
Rocco is thankful for Chris teaching him how to 'honk' like a trucker. Toot! Toot!
Emma is thankful for her socks. I have never met a baby who keeps her socks on better than Emma!
Thankfulness 2012
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am thankful for an afternoon walk that turned into a leaf finding adventure. I love fall.
Christopher is thankful for home improvement projects.
Harrison is thankful that his optical illusion art is done.
Bennett is thankful for Apple Cider Snicker-doodles. (I am also thankful for such a great sous chef!)
Miles is thankful that his dad dropped him off at school and picked him up from school. "I love my dad."
Rocco is thankful for Wednesdays. Annabelle is home with us all day and he loves his Annabelle!
Emma is thankful for the toy piano. She loves that toy right now!
Thankfulness 2012
I am thankful for an afternoon walk that turned into a leaf finding adventure. I love fall.
Christopher is thankful for home improvement projects.
Harrison is thankful that his optical illusion art is done.
Bennett is thankful for Apple Cider Snicker-doodles. (I am also thankful for such a great sous chef!)
Miles is thankful that his dad dropped him off at school and picked him up from school. "I love my dad."
Annabelle is thankful for tomato soup.
Rocco is thankful for Wednesdays. Annabelle is home with us all day and he loves his Annabelle!
Emma is thankful for the toy piano. She loves that toy right now!
Thankfulness 2012
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Election day
Men, their rights, and nothing more. Women, their rights, and nothing less. ~ Susan B. Anthony Don't forget to vote today!!!
I am thankful for the right to vote, the privilege to serve and my undying belief that there are people who want to do good in this world. Be the good.
Christopher is thankful that my boss has caffeine!
Harrison is thankful that is voting day because people deserve to help choose those who are making important decisions.
Bennett is thankful we had school. I did lots of math.
Miles is thankful that it was Will's (classmate) birthday today. "Happy Birthday, Will!"
Annabelle is thankful for Christmas. "It is so soon and Santa comes! YEAH!!"
Rocco is thankful that he can click his tongue. Click, click, click, click, click.
Emma is thankful for under the chin tickles. Her belly shakes like Santa when she laughs!
Thankfulness 2012
I am thankful for the right to vote, the privilege to serve and my undying belief that there are people who want to do good in this world. Be the good.
Christopher is thankful that my boss has caffeine!
Harrison is thankful that is voting day because people deserve to help choose those who are making important decisions.
Bennett is thankful we had school. I did lots of math.
Miles is thankful that it was Will's (classmate) birthday today. "Happy Birthday, Will!"
Annabelle is thankful for Christmas. "It is so soon and Santa comes! YEAH!!"
Rocco is thankful that he can click his tongue. Click, click, click, click, click.
Emma is thankful for under the chin tickles. Her belly shakes like Santa when she laughs!
Thankfulness 2012
Monday, November 4, 2013
Day 4
When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect towards others. ~ Dalai Lama
I am thankful for apples and Cookie Butter. I mean apples. I am thankful for apples, not Cookie Butter. Cookie Butter… Mmmmmm. Sigh...
Christopher is thankful for warm weather. Brrrrrrrr.
Harrison is thankful that he is almost finished with his optical illusion art.
Bennett is thankful that "Mom read to me before school."
Miles is thankful for school. "We had a special read-a-loud today and it was Thanksgiving with Fancy Nancy. I liked it!"
Annabelle is thankful for Christmas music. "It plays all DAY in Mommy's van. Does it play in your van, Beth?" I don't know, Annabelle…(turning the station to 106.3)... Why yes, it does! "YEAH!!! I LOVE Christmas music!" Sigh… "Hey! You didn't ask me what I was thankful for yesterday!" Oh, what were you thankful for yesterday, Annabelle? "Snow. I can't wait for snow!" More sighs…
Rocco is thankful for food. Either his parents didn't feed him this weekend or he is growing. Chex Mix, crackers, banana, apples, chicken noodle soup and more chicken noodle soup, carrots… and milk! More milk!
Emma is thankful for burp-cloths. Sigh...
Thankfulness 2012
I am thankful for apples and Cookie Butter. I mean apples. I am thankful for apples, not Cookie Butter. Cookie Butter… Mmmmmm. Sigh...
Christopher is thankful for warm weather. Brrrrrrrr.
Harrison is thankful that he is almost finished with his optical illusion art.
Bennett is thankful that "Mom read to me before school."
Miles is thankful for school. "We had a special read-a-loud today and it was Thanksgiving with Fancy Nancy. I liked it!"
Annabelle is thankful for Christmas music. "It plays all DAY in Mommy's van. Does it play in your van, Beth?" I don't know, Annabelle…(turning the station to 106.3)... Why yes, it does! "YEAH!!! I LOVE Christmas music!" Sigh… "Hey! You didn't ask me what I was thankful for yesterday!" Oh, what were you thankful for yesterday, Annabelle? "Snow. I can't wait for snow!" More sighs…
Rocco is thankful for food. Either his parents didn't feed him this weekend or he is growing. Chex Mix, crackers, banana, apples, chicken noodle soup and more chicken noodle soup, carrots… and milk! More milk!
Emma is thankful for burp-cloths. Sigh...
Thankfulness 2012
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Character is a journey, not a destination. ~ President William J. Clinton
I am thankful for sarcasm and wit. Today at lunch (I was not there), Bennett suddenly said "Wait for it. Waaaaiiiit for it." and then he belched. And belched again and said "Ahhhh, that was the one I was looking for." While recounting the story for me at dinner (I could have lived without knowing this story) Harrison listened to Christopher and Bennett laugh and tell the story and then said "They just grow up so fast these days, don't they." My children are wonderful, rude, funny, caring, silly, remarkable boys. I am thankful they are mine.
Christopher is thankful for his wife's painting skills.
Harrison is thankful that he found a Lego piece that he has been looking for for three days.
Bennett is thankful that he got to play outside with Travis and Austin.
Thankfulness 2012
I am thankful for sarcasm and wit. Today at lunch (I was not there), Bennett suddenly said "Wait for it. Waaaaiiiit for it." and then he belched. And belched again and said "Ahhhh, that was the one I was looking for." While recounting the story for me at dinner (I could have lived without knowing this story) Harrison listened to Christopher and Bennett laugh and tell the story and then said "They just grow up so fast these days, don't they." My children are wonderful, rude, funny, caring, silly, remarkable boys. I am thankful they are mine.
Christopher is thankful for his wife's painting skills.
Harrison is thankful that he found a Lego piece that he has been looking for for three days.
Bennett is thankful that he got to play outside with Travis and Austin.
Thankfulness 2012
Saturday, November 2, 2013
November 2
We were together. I forgot the rest. ~ Walt Whitman
Beth - I am thankful for my new candles. I generally have a small hatred of smelly candles. I can never find one that I like after about 3 minutes of burning. I finally found one that I absolutely love and that makes me smile.
Christopher - I am thankful for safe travels to and from Iowa City today.
Harrison - I am thankful that I got to see Noah and Eleanor.
Bennett - I am thankful that I got to see Noah and Eleanor and everyone else.
Thankfulness 2012
Beth - I am thankful for my new candles. I generally have a small hatred of smelly candles. I can never find one that I like after about 3 minutes of burning. I finally found one that I absolutely love and that makes me smile.
Christopher - I am thankful for safe travels to and from Iowa City today.
Harrison - I am thankful that I got to see Noah and Eleanor.
Bennett - I am thankful that I got to see Noah and Eleanor and everyone else.
Thankfulness 2012
Friday, November 1, 2013
Thankful Season 2013
The Thanksgiving season is one of my favorites. The holiday doesn't celebrate a religion and it's main focus is to bring families together. I LOVE family get togethers. (For now we won't get into a discussion about my problems with this holiday, i.e. the untruths of the holiday's origins, and just celebrate the modern version!)
These are really terribly tough times, and we really should try to be as nice to each other as possible. ~ Lou Reed (March 2, 1942 - October 27, 2013)
Me: I am thankful for my chap-stick. Cause my lips hurt real bad and I don't want to use the 5 sticks in the nurses drawer. Thanks for the hook-up, Chris!
Christopher: I am thankful for my family.
Harrison: I am thankful that our lunch teacher let us have free seating.
Bennett: I am thankful that Mrs. Mathews got me books that I like from the library.
Miles: I am thankful for baseball.
Annabelle: I am thankful for Mommy.
Rocco: I am thankful for trucks. Vrrooooom!!!!!!
Emma: I am thankful for my daddy. He was gone for too many days!
Thankfulness 2012
These are really terribly tough times, and we really should try to be as nice to each other as possible. ~ Lou Reed (March 2, 1942 - October 27, 2013)
Me: I am thankful for my chap-stick. Cause my lips hurt real bad and I don't want to use the 5 sticks in the nurses drawer. Thanks for the hook-up, Chris!
Christopher: I am thankful for my family.
Harrison: I am thankful that our lunch teacher let us have free seating.
Bennett: I am thankful that Mrs. Mathews got me books that I like from the library.
Miles: I am thankful for baseball.
Annabelle: I am thankful for Mommy.
Rocco: I am thankful for trucks. Vrrooooom!!!!!!
Emma: I am thankful for my daddy. He was gone for too many days!
Thankfulness 2012
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