Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today I am thankful for music. Who knew that dancing to 2Pac singing 'California Love' could be so fun when surrounded by kiddos that thankfully can't understand all the lyrics!

Graysen: "No!" (Graysen started using this word yesterday. Sigh.)

Annabelle: Happy. I am sooo happybelle!

Miles: I am thankful for preschool. It is so fun.

Caden: I am thankful for my mom. (I asked him and Bennett separate so they didn't know each other's answers! How cute!)

Bennett: I am thankful for you! (He said this while pointing at and giving me a great big smile!!)

Harrison: I am thankful for a yummy lunch at school. Sausage pizza!!

Christopher: I am thankful for blue skies.

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