Saturday, September 6, 2008


You know those death traps that they call Sit-n-Spins?  Well, we have one.  I bought it at a garage sale for $2.00.  Not a bad buy unless you consider the co-pays I will be shelling out to the ER in the near future. 

Anyway, it took Harrison little time to figure it out.  He was happily spinning away.  Bennett on the other hand had more difficulty.  He kept wanting to stand on it.  (This is where the trips to the ER come in.)  Eventually he gave up and moved on.  Well, a couple days later I hear Harrison saying "Look, Bennett."  I walk into the dining room to see Harrison standing on the SIT-n-Spin going around and around.  I try to explain that is not the proper way to do it, but Harrison assures me he can do it!  Well, Bennett tries again to no avail.

Today I found Bennett in the dining room all by himself.  Again, he looked just like Little Jack Horner as he spun around and around.  So proud!

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