Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Tonight while making Harrison his bedtime snack, an orange, I threw caution to the wind and I said "Do you know what tomorrow is?"  Harrison just looked at me.  I said "You have preschool."  This almost always brings the 'uuuhhhhh' and 'I don't want to go to preschool' but this time he jumped up and down and said "Yeah - I love preschool" and proceeded to sing a song about how much he loved preschool.  Breakthrough!  I wonder if it has anything to do with Sunday School.

Harrison's first day of Sunday School was this past Sunday and we had signed up to bring snacks for the next Sunday.  We got to bring home a 'Snack Box' and we had already gone to the store to pick out our snack (Lucky Charms cereal and 'Red Berry' juice like James likes.).  Every morning so far Harrison has asked me if we have Sunday School today.  Who knew that all I had to do to get him excited about school was let him take treats!

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