An ICubs game was on tap for Saturday night. We were all excited to go and the ICubbies came through for us with a win.
There were so many things that we cute or funny or unforgettable, but now I am having a hard time remembering any of them (except of course the 'kiss my butt' story...). I guess I will let the pictures tell the story!
When we got to the stadium, the kids noticed the first thing that took money. Luke obliged by forking over some quarters for a FUN baseball ride. NOT!!!!! I think they did enjoy it, but it was a little lame.

We got to our seats and a baseball game was already in progress. The 1875 baseball team from Living History Farms was there. It was very interesting (different rules, no gloves, etc) and I might have gotten a bit more out of it, except the kids were so hyped up I could barely hear the announcer! So after that got over I decided we needed to move a bit before the real game started and we would be confined to our seats. Luckily for me there was water near by.

They had a blast in the fountain. Nathan, Luke and I kept them relatively dry but it was fun watching them try to touch the water and then run away laughing. James has such a great laugh!

You would think they would be more excited to go on a public outing with 4 kids under 4!
Grandma and Grandpa love their grandkids!!!! Do you know how hard it is to get children to smile when you want them to? What is it about that? If I knew how to use photo shop I would have two great photos from the 20 photos that I took!

I wonder if Harrison is in real pain? He might just be really embarrassed by those suspenders!
Kaitlyn and Bennett played with each other for a lot of the game. Grandma helped facilitate this but really, I think that Bennett and Kaitlyn just enjoyed each other. It was really cute.

Here they are playing a peek-a-boo/hiding game. I often think that Harrison and/or Bennett have the cutest laughs, but hearing Bennett and Kaitlyn laughing together was enough to make me smile ear to ear.

Harrison and Nathan are not to be outdone. They had to get some Kaitlyn loving in too! Or maybe Kaitlyn is just the sweetest girl ever and she can't resist giving hugs, kisses and snuggles to her favorite boys!

Harrison spent at least the first 3 or 4 innings of the game like this. He wanted to catch a ball so bad. He eventually got tired of holding the glove and gave it to me. I didn't know it would come with the stipulation that I had to hold it in the air so that I would be ready to catch the ball. I quickly conned Grandpa into holding the glove and quietly laughed as Harrison repeatedly told him to hold it up.
After about the 2nd inning, Bennett realized what Harrison was doing. He wanted in on the action too!
The night ended with a wonderful fireworks show. I really wish I could have gotten Harrison's expression. He had this look of awe that said I have NEVER seen anything cooler than this! Kaitlyn made it through most of the show and then suddenly decided that the loud noises were too loud and too scary. Nathan tried to teach her how to put her fingers in her ears but she was enjoying the fireworks too much to really figure it out!