Monday, March 16, 2009

Grandpa's cookies

Harrison and I made special cookies for Grandpa's birthday.  We went up to my mom and dad's on Sunday and my mom always makes German Chocolate Cake for my dad.  Home-made.  From scratch.  It is fabulous!  I have a piece in the kitchen right now.  Mmmmmm...

Anyway, I knew that Harrison would want birthday cake.  But I also knew that he wouldn't like the cake.  Just a little hunch I had...  So I wanted to have the cookies there as a back up.  Turns out I didn't need a back up, not because he liked the cake but because Jean brought pie!  I haven't found a pie yet that boy didn't like.  And this one was blueberry and it was wonderful!  Hmmm.  I have a piece of that in the kitchen as well...

But, cookies we did make and what fun he had!
Roll it out...

Cut the cookie out in the shape of a shamrock...

Make a birthday card for Grandpa while Mom frosts the cookies...

Now give me my cookie!!

Oooh - there are cookies in the kitchen too!  Maybe I should do sit-ups while I eat! :)

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