Peter and the Starcatchers, Peter and the Shadow Thieves and Peter and the Secret of Rundoon are the prequels to Peter Pan. J.M. Barrie wrote the story of Peter Pan so these are not officially connected to the original, but they are all what you would imagine might have happened to make Peter into the boy who loves to torment Hook.
Easy and so fun. Just my type of summer reading!
The books are full of contradictions to Barrie's original stories, tho...
so are all the sequels.
But, like you said, they're not connected. But a new book out kind of's a new Peter Pan adventure based on Barrie's idea for more. And it remains faithful.
Have a look:
Beth Marie, you crack me up! No idea how I found you, but here you are. Just thought I'd day "Hi!". --Jen--
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