Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thank you from the Neipert's

He's home! Christopher came home yesterday evening. It definitely does not qualify as a miracle, but when we went to bed Tuesday night we were all still very discouraged. When we woke up Wednesday morning, it was like he was a new man. And we are all breathing a sigh of relief!

After spending 24 hours in ICU and then being moved to the Cardiac Floor Christopher really did not fair much better. He was in almost constant pain and too much movement caused him to throw-up. Now, vomiting is never very much fun, but when you haven't eaten anything in several days it is horrible. We spent 3 days going through the same motions with no inkling of getting better. Dr. Piper, a neurosurgeon, assured us that this was (unfortunately) very normal and Christopher could be feeling this way for a couple of weeks due to the severity of the concussion. This thought made me want to vomit. Monday there were a couple of rays of sunshine as Physical Therapy came and got Chris in the hall walking and sitting in a chair for 30 or so minutes and he only vomited once that day. But he would only feel good for maybe an hour before he would have throbbing headaches again. Tuesday was by far the worse day. Christopher was nauseated all day and his head was just pounding. He slept almost all day and didn't eat anything but a popsicle.

Wednesday morning started with me jumping up off of the hospital cot. Christopher had said my name and he had not done that the whole time he was in the hospital. I asked what was wrong and he said "Nothing. It's 6:00 am, don't you have to leave soon?" And then he sat up and adjusted his gown. I just stood there staring at him. I finally said something like 'That was pretty cool' and he said 'Yeah' and laid back down. From there everything has been great. His head still hurts but almost like a normal headache and he is no longer nauseous although he does have to be mindful of moving too quickly as he does still get a little woozy.

I had decided to be at home on Wednesday while his mother was sitting with him at the hospital. Around 11:00 am, Christopher called me and asked if I could come get him in the afternoon to come home. I couldn't believe he has such a quick turn around!

We do want to thank everyone for praying for Christopher and helping us out. Thank you to my parents for dropping everything to come watch the kids. Thank you to Jim and Nicole for taking Harrison to the zoo. Thank you to Tome and Andy for watching Bennett and Harrison on Sunday. I read your blog and it looks like they had a great time. Thank you to Andy and Claudia for having Sarah watch Miles. Thank you to Joe and Kari for having Heather watch Will. Thank you to Andy and Claudia for the great bars and chips and salsa. Chris ate almost all of that salsa the very first night he was home! Thank you to my mom for staying with me and watching the boys when I was at the hospital. Thank you to Greg and Pam for coming so quickly. We always say don't come. We will be fine and we would have been. But it is soooo nice when your parents are around to help. Pam spent many hours just watching Christopher sleep and it made me feel great knowing she was there. Thank you to those who came and visited Chris. He didn't want visitors at first but I know for a fact he appreciated everyone who stopped by. And finally thank you to me for putting up with Christopher complain last night because I wouldn't let him go to the garage by himself. Get over it!!!!!

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