Thursday, August 28, 2008

Coffee Drinkers Unite

I am a woman of many talents and responsibilities.  One of those responsibilities (talents!) is to watch children.  

Now, sometimes, when I am lucky, said children all sleep at the same time.  Today started out as one of those days.  But after an hour Will decided that he had enough slumber and wanted to join me in my bad habit of occasionally watching Days of Our Lives.  (Love that show!)  Anyway, he soon got bored with that so we went to the kitchen to play.  I started doing some dishes and cutting a watermelon while Will decided it was time to play with some pots and pans from the lazy susan.

Again, it is my responsibility to watch children.  But, nature calls.  After relieving myself in the little girls room I stopped to watch John tell Marlena that he really loved her and that she should go home with him to the DiMera mansion not the penthouse.  Very gripping stuff!  Anyway, while watching Marlena tell John that he would never be the old John again and that she didn't love the new John I noticed that the banging of pots and pans had stopped.  Off to investigate...
Will had taken the coffee from the lazy susan, figured out how to open it and then dumped the entire (it was only half full) jar onto himself, the pots, and the floor (carpeted floor!).  I have been taking care of Will for only about 2 weeks now and this is the second trip to the bath he has had.  And to top off the whole ordeal - after his bath I obviously had to get the vacuum out and Will hates that vacuum.  I think it scares him.  Poor guy, a quicky bath and then a noisy vacuum.   

Now where are those children? 

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Zucchini Bread

We never seem to run out of things to do at our house.  We did sidewalk chalk a couple of days ago and then played in the water table (Will's FAVORITE place) yesterday and today had to settle for being in the house having car races in the dining room because of the rain.  

The weather has been so great.  I love have the house open all of the time.  And my garden is just over flowing with things for the dinner table.  Beets, green beans and tomatoes abound.  Carrots are slow going, but they are on their way.  The zucchini is doing great as well.  You would have thought Harrison had won the lottery today when he found out we got to finally make zucchini bread.  Oh, the excitement!! :)  (I am most proud of myself.  I didn't have to look zucchini up in the dictionary!)

While I was picking green beans in the garden on Monday I had turned my back on Will, Bennett and Harrison.  I saw them getting together some shovels and buckets but when I finally turned to see what they were up to it was too late.  Will and Bennett both had baths and Will had his clothes washed before his parents could see what a mess I had made of him!  This picture doesn't show how dirty his face was!  What fun they all had!

Other new news:

Harrison is getting his way with his hair at the moment.  It is really cute.  It is long and shaggy and starting to turn up in all of the right places.  But - it is really getting in his eyes.  Yesterday, Chris told him it was time to get it trimmed and he said "No, Andy likes it!"  He was so matter of fact about the whole thing.  If Andy likes my hair why would I change it?  What a goof!

Harrison's preschool teacher came Monday for a home visit.  It was great.  Her name is Miss Margaret and Harrison loved her.  He hid under the table for the first 3- 4 minutes she was here but then he went to grab "Cracko Barrel" (I will fill you in later) and everything was great from there.  She brought a puppet (a dog) named Spot and they read Spots First Day At School.  And you know Harrison loves anyone who reads to him!  He's looking forward to his first day.

Bennett is all over the place.  He runs like a mad man, flailing his arms and screaming.  So much for Harrison as a role model.  Two screamers!

Bennett's vocabulary is growing, but slowly.  He says hear and mom now.  It is so cute to hear him call Chris dada and me mom.  Funny.  It is soooo interesting to watch Will and Bennett.  I DON'T compare them.  But I don't think Will or Bennett is more vocal than the other, but they are vocal in different ways.  Will can say 'B' words.  Boom, ball, bye, etc and Bennett so does not have that sound down.  It is fun watching them together.  Did I mention they are 6 days apart from each other.  Too fun!

Bennett did have his 15 month well baby appointment last week.  He is well!  He still has a slight heart murmur but nothing to be concerned about.  The most positive thing about his appointment was that he is not off the charts in his size.  But he is close!  He is in the 5th percentile in weight.  What a little bugger!  He is in the 25th percentile in height and 50th in head size.  He had 4 shots and one of them (MMR) is coming back to haunt us this week.  He has been running a fever around 101.6 and just tonight after his bath I noticed the little spots on his belly.  Weird how an immunization can have a side effect 9 days later.

Will and Miles are doing great.  Will is starting to get comfortable at the house and is really starting to enjoy himself more.  There are more giggles and laugh and such.  He and Harrison are so funny when they get each other started going BOOM!  Harrison likes the way Will brings his arms down when he says it.  Miles ought to just crawl and get it over with.  I remember Harrison doing this.  We thought he was going to crawl for about 3 months before he ever did!  I know it won't take Miles that long though!  

Quote of the week goes to none other than Harrison:  "Miles, you ARE the funniest kid I have ever met!"

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mini me

Bennett is such a good groomer.  Tonight after his bath I brushed his hair and then he wanted to continue.  He brushed his hair some more and then moved onto Harrison.  Harrison was a good support and let Bennett brush his hair for a minute or so and then Bennett gave the brush to Harrison so that he could finish himself.  Harrison set about brushing his hair and Bennett patiently waited to get the brush back.  After a long 5 seconds Bennett began to whine a little and then a lot.  Harrison finally finished brushing and shoved the brush back at Bennett and said "Why do you have to cry to get it?" in a very exasperated voice.  I never say anything like that!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Yesterday was my mom's ## birthday.  We went to Ames today to celebrate.  First it was off to Perkins for lunch.  Mom's choice...  After pulling into the parking lot, we found 20 or so people outside waiting to get in.  Onto Village Inn.  After finding 15 - 20 people in the lobby there we settled on El Azteca.  Everyone but Mom and Harrison had wanted to go there in the first place!

After lunch, we headed out to Reiman Gardens.   They have a wonderful Butterfly Garden there and in true Christopher fashion - he hasn't been.  Chris gets left out of everything in Ames.  New restaurant?  Sure!!  Oh, Chris has to work.  Let's go anyway!  But, Chris got to come along this time and he loved the gardens.  Harrison loved running on all of the paths and also showing Bennett all of the butterfly's. 
We stopped for a photo op in a whale made out of sticks.  This is about the time Harrison made us doubt our decision to head on to our next destination.  Notice the scowl he is wearing.

Next destination?  Cyclone Fan Fest!  This was the 3rd annual Fan Fest and we are a little interested in what we might find.  It was located in the new indoor practice facility and none of us had seen the inside.  It was very large.  And I don't say that to sound dumb, but it was made to play in.  I think a kicker could kick as hard as he wanted and not really worry about coming in contact with the ceiling. 

Anyway, what we weren't expecting were all of the lines.  They had sports set up around the field and there were lines to try all of them.  Kicking a soccer ball with the women's soccer team, bumping and setting with the volleyball team, having a photo with Cy, etc.  When we got there, Harrison wanted to nothing but go to the bounce house.  Do you think it was the longest line in the place?  Correct.  

We waited in line for almost 45 minutes and right when it was Harrison's turn to get  Not going to do it.  Scared because he wanted me to go in with him.  I almost snapped.  But, wonderful mom that I am, I yanked him off the walk way and took him over to the side.  We watched thru the mesh window and he finally said he would try.  

Does he look like he is having fun?!!!  Urgggggggg!!!!!  45 minutes!  Bennett amused himself as he often does, by rolling around on the floor.  Cutie!

We ended the birthday celebration with an ice cream cake at Mom and Dad's and then a nice car nap.  I love sleeping children!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Peter and the Secret of Rundoon

Run out and buy this book!  I borrowed it from the library, but still.  It is a great read!  Barry and Pearson are a great writing duo.  After reading just a few lines from Tinker Bell, you know that she is the work of Dave Barry!

Peter and the Starcatchers, Peter and the Shadow Thieves and Peter and the Secret of Rundoon are the prequels to Peter Pan.  J.M. Barrie wrote the story of Peter Pan so these are not officially connected to the original, but they are all what you would imagine might have happened to make Peter into the boy who loves to torment Hook.

Easy and so fun.  Just my type of summer reading!

Thank you, Nathan

I love you, Nathan.  You are the best, most supportive brother that I have.  I don't know what I would do without your constant kind words and loving attitude.  I love you, Nathan.  

Smells funny doesn't it?

Thursday, August 21, 2008


First time on the swing for Miles.  He had a great time!
Bennett of course always has a great time and his hair has never looked better!


Thank you from the Neipert's

He's home! Christopher came home yesterday evening. It definitely does not qualify as a miracle, but when we went to bed Tuesday night we were all still very discouraged. When we woke up Wednesday morning, it was like he was a new man. And we are all breathing a sigh of relief!

After spending 24 hours in ICU and then being moved to the Cardiac Floor Christopher really did not fair much better. He was in almost constant pain and too much movement caused him to throw-up. Now, vomiting is never very much fun, but when you haven't eaten anything in several days it is horrible. We spent 3 days going through the same motions with no inkling of getting better. Dr. Piper, a neurosurgeon, assured us that this was (unfortunately) very normal and Christopher could be feeling this way for a couple of weeks due to the severity of the concussion. This thought made me want to vomit. Monday there were a couple of rays of sunshine as Physical Therapy came and got Chris in the hall walking and sitting in a chair for 30 or so minutes and he only vomited once that day. But he would only feel good for maybe an hour before he would have throbbing headaches again. Tuesday was by far the worse day. Christopher was nauseated all day and his head was just pounding. He slept almost all day and didn't eat anything but a popsicle.

Wednesday morning started with me jumping up off of the hospital cot. Christopher had said my name and he had not done that the whole time he was in the hospital. I asked what was wrong and he said "Nothing. It's 6:00 am, don't you have to leave soon?" And then he sat up and adjusted his gown. I just stood there staring at him. I finally said something like 'That was pretty cool' and he said 'Yeah' and laid back down. From there everything has been great. His head still hurts but almost like a normal headache and he is no longer nauseous although he does have to be mindful of moving too quickly as he does still get a little woozy.

I had decided to be at home on Wednesday while his mother was sitting with him at the hospital. Around 11:00 am, Christopher called me and asked if I could come get him in the afternoon to come home. I couldn't believe he has such a quick turn around!

We do want to thank everyone for praying for Christopher and helping us out. Thank you to my parents for dropping everything to come watch the kids. Thank you to Jim and Nicole for taking Harrison to the zoo. Thank you to Tome and Andy for watching Bennett and Harrison on Sunday. I read your blog and it looks like they had a great time. Thank you to Andy and Claudia for having Sarah watch Miles. Thank you to Joe and Kari for having Heather watch Will. Thank you to Andy and Claudia for the great bars and chips and salsa. Chris ate almost all of that salsa the very first night he was home! Thank you to my mom for staying with me and watching the boys when I was at the hospital. Thank you to Greg and Pam for coming so quickly. We always say don't come. We will be fine and we would have been. But it is soooo nice when your parents are around to help. Pam spent many hours just watching Christopher sleep and it made me feel great knowing she was there. Thank you to those who came and visited Chris. He didn't want visitors at first but I know for a fact he appreciated everyone who stopped by. And finally thank you to me for putting up with Christopher complain last night because I wouldn't let him go to the garage by himself. Get over it!!!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Videos games are bad for you.

A medical mystery has descended upon the Neipert household.  Christopher blacked out Saturday morning around 2:00 am, fell and hit the back of his head on the concrete in the garage.  He spent 24 hours in the ICU and is now in the Cardiac Unit at Iowa Methodist Hospital.  What a trip.

Friday was a fairly normal day for us.  Chris took the day off to golf with his friend Jim and then we all went to the fair that evening for dinner.  The boys and I came home with my parents and Chris and Jim stayed at the fair.  Jim had never been so they wanted to look around and see the sights.  After that they headed to Ames to see a friend, Scott and got back home around 1:00 - 1:30 am.  The night owls that they are decided to play a little Xbox and had been playing for about 20 - 30 minutes when Chris very suddenly said he felt a little dizzy.  The next thing Jim knew, Chris was falling to the floor.  Jim said he was unconsious for about 5 -10 seconds and when he woke up all he wanted to do was get inside to the couch.  Chris has since told me that remembers being on the garage floor and remembers being on the couch but doesn't remember getting there.  Side note - they did not wake me up.

When I aroused from my evening slumber, I found Christopher laying on the bathroom floor.  This was around 6:00 am.  Jim's wife, Nicole and their 2 boys were coming to visit and we were all headed to the zoo.  Well, being the kind, thoughtful and gentle wife that I am, I gave him the silent treatment.  How dare he go out the night before and get drunk.  Now I had to deal with a hung-over husband all day at the zoo.  Fun for me! (Because it is all about me!)  I even went as far as to step over him and take a shower while he went back and forth from laying on the floor to praying to the porcelain gods.  Jim got up around 9:00 and I asked him what he had done to my husband.  He laughed and then got confused and then got concerned.  Imagine to my horror that I have just spent the last 3 hours ignoring a man with a severe concussion who had not an ounce of alcohol to drink.  Wife of the year award - GONE!

It took forever to get Christopher into the car.  He wouldn't stay awake and when he sat up he kept dry heaving.  I finally got him into the car and off we went to the walk-in clinic.  WALK-IN CLINIC!  What was I thinking.  They immediately told me that they could not meet his needs and did I need an ambulance to transport him to the hospital.  Runner-up to wife of the year - NO CHANCE!

Finally I get him to the ER and he has a CT scan and is diagnosed with a concussion and a subdermal hematoma -  5 mm bleed on the brain.  They admitted him into the ICU and the shock took quite awhile to shake off.  I am trying to stay calm and make sure my kids are being taken care of by someone (my wonderful parents, great friends Jim and Nicole and my awesome cousin Tome and her equally awesome husband Andy!) and I am having to try and figure out how to explain to Christopher's parents the horrible treatment he has received from me in the last 5 hours and why I didn't call sooner to tell them he was bleeding in his BRAIN!  Daughter-in-law of the year - NEVER!

So now it is just a waiting game.  Christopher is doing better although it doesn't always seem like it.  He has about 2 -3 hours of feeling good out of every 6 -7 hours.  The other 3 -4 hours his head hurts immensely and his waivers on the brink of vomiting AGAIN.  He was moved to the Cardiac Floor because of a slow heart rate (40 - 45 bpm) and is going through a battery of tests to figure out if that is the reason he blacked out in the first place.  I personally think he was dehydrated and sleep deprived (too much Mt Dew and late night movies) but I am thankful that they are checking all sources of the possible problem.  

Christopher has had some very good nurses and one bad one (Brenda!) and his doctor, Dr. Piper is very nice.  He wants to come home but I am afraid he will not be coming for another couple of days.  So for him that means more sleep and round the clock care and for me that means another night in Hotel Methodist!  Just as long as he gets better...  

Thursday, August 14, 2008


My kids keep growing.  Harrison puts more information together than I can stand.  If he tells me he is frustrated one more time I might slap him.  "Mom, you are frustrating me."  "Mom, can you please leave me alone right now, I am frustrated with Bennett."  Urrrgggg!

Bennett won't stop climbing.  He now has the foresight to stand in the living room, think about what he wants to do and then reason a way to do it.  For example, usually he uses Maddie to climb onto the couch.  Today she was lying on her bed and not available to be used as a step.  He looked at her, looked at the couch and then left the living room.  Minutes later he arrived back in the living room carrying/pushing his booster seat.  He then positioned it where he wanted it and climbed onto the couch.  His smile could not have been bigger.  How proud of himself was he?  He clapped, that's how proud he was.  Just like Little Tom Horner!

My other boy (Miles!) is growing as well.  He moves all over the living room at the moment.  Al-be-it backwards!  Soon he will be moving forwards and the real fun for him will begin.  I am going to have to mop my floors more often now!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Can you say corn dog?

We had been in the gates of the Iowa State Fair for about 10 minutes.  We were just finishing up our free samples of Cookies BBQ Beef and Beans when Harrison says "I want a corn dog!"  It was 10:00 am and in true Wilcke fashion he was wondering why that wasn't the FIRST stop we had made.

We had a blast at the fair.  We went on Saturday with Greg and Pam.  We started out with the mandatory DNR building with all of the different types of fish and different types of environments from Iowa.  Bennett liked the ducks outside better.  Duck is one of his favorite words.  He says it so forcefully!

Then we checked out all of the real fishermen.  These are the people who are hocking their wares by showing us how we can't possibly live without them.  $80.00 tupperware sets, Z-Coil shoes (UGLY!), mops that clean your floor with just water (I've had one for a couple of years!), etc.  Greg and Pam are always looking for that next must have.  This year car wax was the bait and Greg got hooked!

After that we were on to lunch at the always fabulous Pork Producers tent.  It is just soooo good!  While we were sitting down eating, we noticed a woman next to Chris was munching on a pork chop on a stick.  She was taking bites out of her mouth (after they had been substantially chewed) and setting them on her napkin.  Now, I have had occasion to have taken a bite and come to realize that said bite is not chewable.  I politely and discretely put my napkin up to my mouth to get rid of the cud and then fold the napkin so as to not 'gross others out!'  This woman just let it sit on the table saying "I am full of salvia and am braking down right before your eyes!"  As Harrison would say 'DISCUSTING!  And to top it all off, this woman was one of the fine employees of the Iowa State Fair.

After lunch we were off to Little Hands on the Farm.  Harrison had been waiting for the all morning.  Little Hands on the Farm is where children ages 2 - 11 get to plant seeds, harvest the produce, take the produce to market, etc.  The volunteers let both Bennett and Harrison participate and Harrison did great.  Bennett got hung up on the digging a hole for his seed and  then picking more apples than one toddler should.

What I really enjoy about the whole process is that it makes sense.  After we picked soybeans we traded them in for fuel for our tractor.  Before we milked that cow we feed her corn so she could produce healthy milk and then got said carton of milk.  After we took our produce to market we got cash to spend in the store.  I hope I am not sounding uppity or holier-than-thou-type-mom, but I really took the time to explain all of these things to Harrison.  We read all of the signs and he put together the process that he was going through.  His only disappointment came when he realized there was not water in the watering can.  "But mom!"

I really enjoy those kinds of teaching opportunities and I feel sorry for the children whose parents don't take the time to explain to their children that what they are doing is not only fun but a part of life.  Soapbox, put away.

After the Farm we went into the Learning Center.  This is a fairly new building and I had not been inside yet.  The whole building centers on animals that have just recently been born.  We saw a goat that was only 2 hours old!  Most had been born right in this building.  Being from a farm I don't know how the animals felt about giving birth to their young right in front of busy crowds (normally they prefer to go off and be alone in a quiet area) but I do know that I appreciated it.  It was great to see animals that were only a few hours old.  One calf had been born at 3:00 am and some of the chicks were literally breaking through their shells as we watched.  Harrison especially liked the chicks.  That was neat to see.

Next we were off to the Sky Glider.  This ride freaks me out quite a bit but in reality it is pretty safe.  It's not like you can't fall out, it's just that you would have to be very careless to fall out.  Anywho, Pam and Harrison rode on this and they had a great time.  Chris, Greg and I hung out with Bennett who was a little wired as he was eating lemons and was about 1 1/2 hours past his nap time!  But he still managed to take the cutest picture!

Now we began to think we were hungry again, but we stopped off at the Butter Cow and Butter Shawn Johnson.  Always very cool.  Then we took the boy's picture in the children's tunnel.  We do it every year.  Harrison's picture's turn out the best.

So, more corn dogs and a turkey leg filled our bellies this time and then it was off to see the big boar and giant bull.  On the way to the bull, Bennett finally decided to take a nap.  Uggggg!  He cried for almost 15 minutes before passing out.  And then, I have never seen such a wet baby.  Talk about sweaty!  He was soaked.  We saw the Budweiser Clydesdales and then were off to the Varied Industries building to cool off.  The temp really wasn't that bad, but the way Bennett looked in his stroller, we all knew he needed some relief.  

After the Varied Industries building we made a final stop by to get JR's donuts and some fresh root beer.  Harrison's meltdown came at this point and we knew it was time to go.  After he was through we chanced fate by heading towards the Giant Slide.  Harrison had been talking about it and he only gets to go on 2 rides at the fair (the midway is OFF limits!).  He had a blast (so did Chris) and said he wasn't ready to go home.  Us, being the parents, older and wiser, etc, knew better and put our foot down.  "No, it is time to go home and you will do what we say."  OK, so maybe it was "When we get home, we will watch some cartoons!"  It's was all good, tired, exhausted parents do!

Overall, the fair was great.  I love to go and people watch.  That is the bitchy part of me.  I mean really, will the drunk men with babies in their bellies ever put their shirts back on?  I hope not.  Too much entertainment value for me.

Sorry for the long post.  I just got carried away reliving my day! 


I love the Olympics.  They are addicting to watch and it's almost like a car wreck - I can't turn away.

This morning, Harrison and I were watching South Korea and China compete at archery.  I was explaining the sport to Harrison and telling him about how the girls were trying to hit the target.  We watched a little more and then he got up and went to the bathroom.  When he came back, he sat down on my lap and began watching again.  He then asked "Tell me again why they are trying to hit the Wal-Mart."  I couldn't help but giggle and I had a hard time telling him that they were trying to hit a target, not a Wal-Mart.  I can't imagine how complx our brains and thought processes have to be in order to understand language and all of the 'tricky' ways that we manipulate it to suit our needs.  So funny!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A parade

The Iowa State Fair kicks off today.  It is one of the biggest state fairs in the country and it listed as one of the 1000 places to visit before you die!  We are going this weekend and I am going to gain 10 pounds and not think twice about it.  I am so excited!

Last night we went to the Fair Parade.  It is a huge parade with over 200 entries.  It started at 6:15 pm and we left around 8:15 pm and there were still floats and bands coming down Capital hill.  I have no idea what time it got over.  The boys had a great time.  We usually go to the parade in Ames every year for the 4th of July and that is fun but Harrison really focuses on the candy (a lot of it!).  The parade is fun and it is fun to watch Harrison get the candy, but it seems like that is what we focus on  - candy and not letting other kids steal our candy!  The great thing about this parade is that they don't throw out candy.  We really get to focus on the floats and music.  
The boys LOVED the bands, especially Bennett.  He was mesmerized.  He would be eating something or looking at me and then hear the band and then just stop.  He kept his eyes peeled on that music until he was careening his neck to watch as it was lost from view.  Harrison kept telling us to 'LOOK!  LOOK!' every time something was coming.  When asked what he liked best he said the horses and bulls.  Some road apples were left right in front of us and that took a little time to explain.  "Why do they potty in the road?  We don't potty in the road!"

We really got a great place to sit.  I am definately going to remember this spot for the future.  We sat our chairs by the street and then put a blanket out to 'picnic' on.  There was a giant green space behind us.  I had brought a ball so we kicked that around for a while before the parade started and then Harrison found that he could run on the brick retaining walls so there was lots to keep us occupied.  Harrison even met a friend to play ball with!

Of course a fixture of all fairs and parades are Queens.  There is the Fair Queen, the Pork Queen (a definite honor!), the Sauerkraut Queen, the County Queens, etc.  There were about 4 floats with the County Fair Queens on them and every time one went by Harrison would wave and say 'Look at all the pretty girls!'  Well, once those floats passed there were some floats with State Fair volunteers.  When Harrison saw that float he said 'Look at the pretty boys!'  We all laughed and he just went on waving.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Have appetite - will pant for food.

To add to the list of very strange things that Bennett does - he pants for food.  Literally.  If you have something that he wants he comes towards you with his mouth open and making a panting sound.  He started this a week or so ago and now I think it might become a habit.  Today he was eating cheese with my mom and every time she would take a bite the panting would get harder!  What a goof!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Lunch time

What is this that you are feeding me?

Timing is everything

Miles has this all figured out.  'If I take my nap at just the right time, when I wake up everyone will be asleep and I will get ALL the attention!'  Bennett, Will and Harrison had been in bed no more than 5 minutes and Miles woke up from a 45 minute nap - that stinker!

Today is Will's first day here with us and it has been a good day so far.  There haven't been many smiles or giggles from him but not crying sessions either (which is what Bennett would do!).  He spent most of the morning checking everything out and getting pushed around by Bennett.  If Will had a toy, Bennett took it.  If Will was sitting in the rocking chair, Bennett shook the chair until Will got out.  This will all change once Will figures out that he is bigger than this twirp, Bennett!
Harrison did great.  He showed Will around and played with him out on the porch for a long time.  He then took to scolding Bennett every time he took toys from Will.  My daily circus is just beginning!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


So I was putting Harrison to bed for his quiet time this afternoon.  As we were walking into the bedroom he asked me to lay with him and I had told him no.  I put him in bed and laid down to snuggle next to him.  I told him I was going to go take a shower now and I gave him a big hug and just looked at him.  Soon he said "Mom, I want you to go."  Oh - he has not said this to me in a long time.  Usually there is a bit of a struggle at bedtime.  While Bennett is the best sleeper I have ever met, Harrison is on the opposite spectrum.  I asked him when he wanted me to come back and check on him (this is a little routine that we have).  He said - and I am not making this up - "When you get rid of that breath.  What does it smell like?  I don't like it."  When does honesty not become always the best policy?

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Harrison went on his first official golf outing today.  He has gone golfing many times before, just never with clubs!  Chris, Harrison and my dad went out to Jester Park and played 18 holes.  Harrison had a great time.  He 'whacked it' (his terminology) and putted the ball.  What a little man he is!  Things that Chris wants to remember:

1.  Chris was just getting ready to putt the ball when Harrison said "Daddy, try and hit it in the hole."  Good advice!
2.  My dad was putting a 10 footer and Harrison clenched his fist and said "Yeeesssss!" when it went in the hole.  
3.  Harrison decided that he wanted to be the one driving the cart and Chris had to chase him down to stop the cart.  Harrison was a little surprised that he had done that.  Curious minds three years olds have!  

They had a great time!  I just wish I would have sent the camera.

Friday, August 1, 2008

This is delicious!

So, this morning, Miles had a doctor's appointment so he wouldn't be here until 11:00 or so.  I was feeling a little restless so I asked Harrison if he wanted to go to the mall.  'The mall?!  YES!  YES!  YES!'  I guess that meant he would be willing to go along if Bennett and I choose to go.  We arrived at said mall and 8:02 am.  There, greeting us at the door was Van and Bonnie.  Van and Bonnie are local radio personalities for WHO.  I don't listen to them (KGGO rocks!) but I am familiar with them.  I guess they were doing a promotion of some sorts and before I knew it both Bennett and Harrison had AE ice cream sandwiches in their hands.  Oh good, ice cream at 8 in the morning!  SUGAR!  Harrison couldn't stop talking about how good the ice cream sandwiches were.  "I am a lucky boy!  This is delicious, mama.  Why haven't I had these before?'  All comments that meant he wouldn't be coming to the grocery store with me anytime soon!  Luckily, we were going to just the place to wear off the unneeded energy.  The mall play place is fabulous.  And it is even more fabulous at 8:00 am when your 2 children are the only 2 there!  Harrison pretended he was a dragon and had claimed the castle as his own until Bennett discovered that he could get to the top as well and then Harrison decided that he was the king and Bennett was his servant.  Together they would slay the dragon!  How fun the imagination of a 3 year old.

Upon returning home I realized that Bennett had taken the house keys out of my purse (he likes to wear them as a necklace) and we were locked out.  I saw him take them, but some how I managed to leave them at the mall.  Luckily for us, we don't lock our windows and Harrison knows just how to break in!  Ahhh, the upbringing of a house thief!