Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 20

I have read on Facebook that quite a few of my friends are doing the 30 days of Thanksgiving.  Everyday they ask their families what they are thankful for.  It is a great way to reflect and think about all of the great things we DO have in our lives and not dwell on the things that we DON'T have in our lives.  We didn't start soon enough so we are doing the 20 days of Thanksgiving.

Bennett:  I am thankful for Grandma.  She comes and plays with me.

Miles:  I am thankful for a new red car from Aunt Sarah.

Caden:  I am thankful for a new yellow car from Target.  Mommy got it for me.

Graysen: He is thankful for noodles and red sauce.  If I had to wager, I would say his tummy is not big enough to fit all of what he ate for lunch!

Annabelle: Mamamamamamamamama.  She's one smart girl!

Beth:  I am thankful for water.  Especially warm water.  I love taking a hot shower in the morning!

Harrison: I am thankful that I am going to Incredible Pizza with Johnny.

Chris: I am thankful for being upright.

What are you thankful for today?

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