Friday, May 1, 2009

Cereal Mommy, cereal.

This doesn't happen every morning, but it is the norm.  Bennett wakes up, stretches and then says "Cereal Mommy, cereal.  Cereal Mommy, cereal" while climbing out of bed and walking to where ever I may be.

On this particular morning, I was still in bed because it was 5:45 am.  Once he found me, he just  kept repeating, 'Cereal Mommy, cereal' until I rolled out of bed to make his wish my command. 

And then the rest of the day will be spent listening to 'Watch Mommy, watch.'  And if I don't give him my undivided attention right away it will become 'WATCH Mommy, WATCH!'

I really love him.

1 comment:

Erin Wilcke Nott said...

So I googled myself today...and I showed up on your blog. Which is WAY cool by the by. You are an engaging writer! I have spent at least an hour of "work" time reading : )
Erin Wilcke Nott