The more you are in a state of gratitude, the more you will attract things to be grateful for. ~ Walt Disney
A full on cold and rainy day for Des Moines today. Thankfully, we had a movie planned for the afternoon and "YEAH" cleaning for the morning. I promised Harrison that once we got the general house chores done we would get his room deep cleaned and rearranged. A few weeks ago, my parents brought up a 'new to Bennett' bed frame so Bennett's room was deep cleaned and rearranged and ever since, Harrison has wanted his room done. It feels so good to get a room really clean and after it's been rearranged it looks almost new. Harrison is really happy with it and thankful for my help. While Harrison and I were attending to his room, Bennett got his drawing case out and worked on a pencil drawing of a koala. He is thankful for his drawing time and his drawing case.
After lunch, Harrison went to the mall with some of his friends. This was his first 'trip to the mall' and it cracked Chris and I up because it is just such a teenager thing to do. We will see if this becomes a thing or not. Another thing that Harrison was thankful for was the Chick-Fil-A that he got while at the mall. That is a place that we usually steer clear of for moral and political reasons, but I do agree with Harrison - "They have great chicken!"
Chris, Bennett and I headed to Old Navy - Bennett was in need of some jeans that did not have giant holes in the knees. We were lucky to get him outfitted with a couple pairs but we were unlucky to have to stand in the checkout line for 20 minutes. Boy there were a ton of people shopping today!
The movie that we choose to see was Bohemian Rhapsody. It is the 'based on the true story' story of Queen and specifically, Freddie Mercury. It was hard not to love the movie. The music is obviously spectacular and the story was sad but wonderfully told. I think they took some liberties with how some of the narrative went, but that's the movies. Overall, it was great and we would highly recommend it to anyone. Christopher and I were both thankful that we got to see it and that it was on the ok side of PG-13 for Bennett to see. It's nice to expand our family movie outings beyond the cartoons!
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