Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween 2015

It's Daylight Saving Time again. We fell back and hour. It's 6:30 and I'm exhausted! That could be because Chris and I went out last night for Halloween... :) Our costumes were pretty fun. Chris and I were the Game of Operation and Adam and Heather were Johnny and Mavis from Hotel Transylvania. We went to Scare-us-Hill (Terrace Hill - the governor's mansion) to a wonderful party. A too good of time was had by all and I had my first Uber ride. Fun times!

Friday night was Beggar's night in Des Moines and my boys went prepared with jokes. Harrison's was 'What do you get when you cross the diameter of a pumpkin with the radius of a pumpkin? Pumpkin Pie!' and Bennett's was 'What is a ghosts favorite fruit? A Boo-berry!' I love the tradition of jokes in Des Moines. The kids are so cute trying to get them just right. 

Dirty Laundry and My Iron Man

Dirty Laundry and the real Iron Man being photo-bombed by Grandma

 Iron Man double take

 Halloween 2015

Too much candy was received and everyone went to bed with tummy aches! It was worth it!!!

I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive, I'm human, I'm not perfect but I am thankful. ~ author unknown

Beth - I am thankful for the start of a four day warm up. 73 degree weather in November is heavenly.

Christopher - I am thankful for the weather.

Harrison - I am thankful for soccer season. I won a tournament this weekend as a guest player on a team and we won our final regular season game today on my regular team. It was fun.

Bennett - I am thankful for Halloween.

Thankfulness 2014

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