Thursday, May 27, 2010

No more preschool

No more preschool for the big kid!  Today was the last day.  When he woke up this morning I asked him if he would please stop growing.  He looked at his dad and said "Why does she always ask me that?"  Maybe someday he will understand...

This is Harrison and his friend Johnny.  They are awesome buds.

These are Harrison's teachers - Nikki, Carolyn and Toma.  Great group of educators.  Thank you!!!

We have LOVED our experience at Westminster the last two years and will be continuing it on when Bennett goes to preschool next year.  He and Caden will be going to the afternoon class three days a week!  They could both stop growing too!!!

Harrison brought home a book that he made this year.  I love that the teachers made this for the kids to remember their year by.  I think it's awesome! 

I can hear him shrugging his shoulders saying "He will get out sometime."

The there was no blood on his Halloween costume, by the way...

He loves us and thinks of us often!!!

I love how this represents his immature cockiness.  He sometimes believes he is the best at everything.  He doesn't have bad sportsmanship for a 5 year old, it's just that he will be playing with a friend and he will just "Geez, I am sooo good at this.  I must be the best soccer player ever."  A little humility would look good on him!  This is something we are working on very hard.  There is a song by Ralph Covert titled "Nobody digs like a worm."  That has been our mantra lately.  Hopefully he gains a little more perspective before kindergarten!  

I guess this is a little more cockiness!!!  :)

Jack and Johnny are his best buddies.  Hopefully we will be able to keep in touch!

  This is hysterical to me.  I haven't figured out why he reverts to scribbling, but he does this often.  Maybe he is insecure about drawing certain things.  Or maybe he is just abstract.  I like that!

Now the challenge will be figuring out what to do with Harrison all summer!  

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