I love fall weather. Cool temps and warm sweatshirts are my heaven. It is also great to get out and go and that is what we have been doing. We have gone to a park almost everyday the past 2 weeks. We have gone on long walks and wagon rides. We have played in the yard and searched for different kinds of leaves. Everything you can think of, we have been trying to do. I so don't want cold weather where we can't go outside or when we can but it takes us 20 minutes to get our stuff (coats, boots, mittens, hats, etc) on and then we play outside for 10 minutes before we decide it is too cold or we have to go to the bathroom and then we are back inside and it takes us 15 minutes to get all our stuff off. Ahhh, the memories! I am certain there will be a blog about this in the future!We headed out to the zoo on Tuesday. The little boys were really tired in the morning for some reason so we had an early lunch (10:45) and then naps. Everyone was up by 1:00 p.m. The zoo sounded nice so that's what we did.

Harrison was particularly excited because he got to see a Trumpeter Swan.
"Oh, Mom! Look! A Trrruuuumpterrr Swaaaaan"
He stared at the thing for almost 5 minutes. I think we may have to find something on swans at the library tonight.

Bennett & Will enjoyed the goats and llamas. I thought for sure Will was going to get bitten. Every time I turned around he was racing back to see them! Bennett thought it very amusing to throw leaves at the goats and then watch them eat the leaves. We had a talk about this, but Bennett didn't seem to subscribe to my way of thinking. A stroller ride was in his future.
The best part of the day was snack time. I don't know why toddlers have to shove as much food as they possibly can into their mouths all-the-while asking for more but it sure is funny! And, a little scary.

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