Chris works full time for EW Wylie recruiting truck drivers to drive flat bed trucks across the country, part time for Hy-Vee as a cash counter on Tuesday and Friday nights AND part time as a usher/ticket taker for the Iowa Speedway on weekends that there is a car race. He is a busy man as I still make him do all of the laundry and change the cat liter! Poor guy...
Anyway, we went to Chris' cousin Todd's graduation party on Saturday evening. That was fun. There were a couple of kids there that Harrison played with. It is fun to watch him interact and a little scary to let him go. They played hide-n-go seek so they were running around the house and stuff. He is getting so big!!!!
Sunday, Greg and Pam had a cook out. Pam's sisters and their families came. All seven cousins were there. That is always a good time! The boys played bags and we all just sat around for the most part. I like holidays like that!
We came home Sunday night with plans to go to an ICubs game on Monday. That didn't materialize, but Chris did get the basketball hoop up. My Gma DeBolt gave it to the boys last year and it has just been sitting there, begging to be put together. Mission accomplished!
The three day weekend led to an eventful day today. Kari went back to work for the end of the school year so I got Will back for the next 7 days or so. And he brought his brother! That is 5 boys in my house under the age of 4. It was a busy day - to say the least. I only got to watch part of The Young and the Restless!