Thursday, July 2, 2009

ICubs Win!!!

We headed out to the ICubs game tonight.  They were playing the Oklahoma City Redhawks and beat them 2 -1.  It was a great game with several great plays by both teams and a foul ball that I am surprised didn't kill someone.  It was fast and low and very unexpected.  I don't think anyone got hurt, but wow, it would have hurt to get blind-sided by that one.

Harrison is really getting into the game of baseball.  He wants to know what is going on and why it happened.  He likes to root for the Cubs and celebrates at all of the right times and takes it hard like a true Cubs fan when they blow it!

The fireworks after the game were wonderful.  Those guys down there do a great job.  I am afraid my little man might be coming down with some fears and loud noises is going to be one of them.  He spent most of the show nestled into my neck, hiding his face.  

Late night for the boys.  I hope they sleep in (5:43 am this morning!).  We have a busy couple of days!

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