Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Interview with a 9 year old

Happy Birthday, Harrison!  You are loved.  You are special.  You are wonderful.  You are everything and more.  Enjoy this special year.  The beginning of your tweens as you so expertly told me a couple of weeks ago.  :)

What is your favorite color?  Purple

What is your favorite toy?  Microscope

What is your favorite fruit?  Clementine

What is your favorite vegetable?  Tomatoes - oh that's not a vegetable, ummmm corn

What is your favorite tv show?  Tom and Jerry

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Grilled cheese

What is your favorite thing to wear?  My yellow/orange pants

What is your favorite game?  Head Bandz

What is your favorite snack?  Oreos and/or Oreo Balls

What is your least favorite thing to eat?  Cauliflower

What is your favorite animal?  Rabbit

What is your favorite song?  I Wanna be a Billionaire

What is your favorite book?  The Hobbit

What is your favorite candy?  Chocolate

Who is your best friend?  Connor

What is your favorite cereal?  Raisin Bran

What is your favorite thing to do outside?  play soccer

What is your favorite drink?  Sprite

What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas, because it is a time for giving, not getting

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Just me jammers

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Toast

What do your want for dinner on your birthday?  Shrimp

What do you and Mom do together?  Talk, have conversations

What do you and Dad do together?  Rough house 

What is your favorite sport?  Soccer

Where is your favorite place to go?  School

What makes you happy?  My friends and family

What makes you sad?  People dying

What are you really good at doing?  reading

What is your favorite movie?  Hop

What do you want to be when you grow up? soccer player

Interview with an 8 year old

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