Friday, April 27, 2012

Interview with a 5 year old

I am copying the idea of this post from my friend, Kari.  She is always full of great ideas and we were pregnant with our 5 year olds at the same time.  Her first little guy's birthday is April 26th.  We weren't 'friends' at the time of our pregnancies, more like acquaintances.  But we have become great friends since then and our boys are pretty good friends when they get the chance to hang out!

Here goes!!

What is your favorite color?  Every color in the world, but not dark green

What is your favorite toy?  My helicopter

What is your favorite fruit?  Grapes

What is your favorite vegetable?  Pickled onions

What is your favorite tv show?  Phineas and Ferb

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Mac and Cheese

What is your favorite thing to wear?  Hard pants (AKA - jeans)

What is your favorite game?  Wii bowling

What is your favorite snack?  Graham crackers

What is your least favorite thing to eat?  avocados and regular onions

What is your favorite animal?  Lions and polar bears

What is your favorite song?  Snowman song

What is your favorite book?  Polar bear book

What is your favorite candy?  Chocolate egg

Who is your best friend?  Brock

What is your favorite cereal?  Rice Krispies and Lucky Charms

What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play on the big wheel and play on the playground at my school

What is your favorite drink?  Lemonade

What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Pillow pet and Douglas

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Toast with honey

What do your want for dinner on your birthday?  Chinese

What do you and Mom do together?  I like to plant in the garden with you

What do and Dad do together?  Wrestle

What is your favorite sport?  Golf

Where is your favorite place to go?  Snookie's

What make you happy?  Ice Cream

What makes you sad?  People who are hurt

What are you really good at doing?  Toe-touching at soccer

What is your favorite movie?  Polar movie (IMAX - To The Arctic)

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Farmer with my friends.  They will live on my farm.

This was a lot of fun!  Hope I remember to do it again next year!  :)


Kari said...

It was fun wasn't it?! :) I love how he said he wanted to be a farmer and they will live on HIS farm! :) So Bennett! Loved reading his answers! :)

Kari said...

I didn't realize how much fun it would be! :) So cute to hear Bennett's answers. I especially love how he will be a farmer and everyone will live on HIS farm. So Bennett! Hilarious!

Tome said...

Can I steal this, too? Such a great idea!