Thursday, February 23, 2012


I have another story about little boys and their differences. Thankfully this one is 'cleaner!'

Bennett is a cunning little trickster. Miles, as his mom calls him, is an old soul. He's sweet and thoughtful.

Yesterday while getting ready to go out the door to preschool, Bennett mandated that I go out first. This was a little odd, but Bennett is also the type that enjoys bossing others around when given the chance. I was picking my battles so I just let it go on as he stated. I went to open the door and was STOPPED! It was one of those running into a wall type stops. The door was locked. Bennett laughed and laughed and laughed. I chuckled, unlocked the door and ushered everyone out. As Miles was passing me he smiled and said, "Bennett's such a crazy goofball." And he meant this in the most endearing sweet way.

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