Dear Mrs. Mathews,
Welcome to the Neipert family. As his kindergarten teacher (and potentially his 1st grade teacher) we consider you to be a primary force in Harrison's life; an extended member of our family so to speak. We love him dearly and sometimes think the world revolves around everything he does. I was watching the Today Show a couple of weeks ago and Danica McKellar (Winnie Cooper on The Wonder Years) was on. She is expecting her first child and she stated that she realized millions and billions of women had been pregnant before her, but this was her miracle and she felt like she was the only one in the world who had ever felt this kind of awe and amazement. I feel like that everyday. No one has ever had a child like mine. No one has ever laughed as hard as I at the funny and outrageous things he says. No one has ever made their mother as angry as he has made me. No one has ever been prouder of their child than I am of Harrison. I know all of these things to be untrue, but it feels wonderful sometimes to feel alone. Like I am the only one in the world who has ever experienced this. And now we get to share him with you!

Here is a little bit about our boy; He is 5 years old and will be 6 in just 4 short months. He is inches tall and weighs 37 1/5 pounds. When he grows up he wants to be in the air force and do fly-overs at football games. We dream big! He has been in tball for 2 years and will be starting soccer in a couple of weeks. Harrison is extremely sweet and LOVES babies. His favorite color is green and has been since he was 3. He currently is making his mother go mad by refusing to learn to read. I am trying not to push. He also loves to ride his big wheel, swimming at the pool, gardening with me, watching his dad fix the cars and hanging out with his cousin James and/or his friend Johnny. Hidden puzzles and Wii are also 2 things he chooses to do in his spare time. He has one younger sibling, Bennett. If you are lucky, he will be in your class someday!

Of course Harrison went to bed just a little late last night. Usually this means he will awaken at the same time he always does - 5:50 am - but this morning he got up at 7:00 am! The first thing he said was "That star must be magical!" He loved the poem and the star from the first night of school!
After a special breakfast of french toast and sausage, off we went. He wasn't nervous or scared or anything! I have to be, honest, I really wasn't either. The great thing about Harrison's life so far is that I have known most of his teachers very well. When he was a baby I couldn't wait for Robin at Uncle Sam's to be able to take care of him. When he was a toddler, he got Linda and who doesn't love her!?!? I didn't know his preschool teachers at Westminster so well, but I knew one of the afternoon teachers, Meggan so I knew he was in a good place because she is such a good person and friend! And now, kindergarten. And you! I helped take care of your babies and then I worked with you and then I was your boss and then I worked with you again and somewhere in all of that we became friends! Thank goodness for that. It gives me great comfort and pleasure to know he is being taught by such a good person.

After getting checked in for lunch and after school pick up this is where I left Harrison. He was happy and smiling. He drew a picture of a hippo (running theme in our house as of late) in the water with the sun, trees and sky above. I hope you and he and the rest of your class have a great day and I can't wait to hear all about it!
Love ~ The Neipert's

P.S. Harrison isn't super familiar with Charlie Brown and the Peanuts and he doesn't think farts are funny. I hope you two get along! :)