Monday, July 12, 2010

Kara - A 6 word memoir

The following is an email I got from my friend Jennifer.  If you by chance do not know, I lost my best friend to leukemia in September of 2004.  It was tragic and heartbreaking in so many ways.  In honor and remembrance of her, I and many others participate in Light the Night sponsored by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Every year we do team t-shirts for our Light the Night walk in honor of Kara.  This year we are putting together a collection of 6 word memoirs that will be on the t-shirt somewhere.  Please submit one.  It doesn't matter how you knew Kara or how well you knew Kara.  Just please submit one.  She was a very special person and is missed terribly.  

Unforgettable. This year's team t-shirt is a collection of
the ways we remember Kara- in words.  It's a tribute to the
six word memoir books.  You get six words to share your
perspective/insight, I've written a few examples below.
Whether you have walked every year, never walked, donated or
not- if you remember Kara in some way- please write your six
words and send them back so we can fill the t-shirt.

Object Sample:  The coolest dollhouse on Wilson Street
Behavior Sample:  8 o’clock bedtime even during summer
Biography Sample: Loved the Lobster/Olive Garden discount
Memoir Sample: Thought we would still be golf-carting

There is only one rule- SIX WORDS. Don't worry about grammar
or punctuation- just write. PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG TO ANYONE

Not sure what to write? Here are the first results.

Our sister lived two doors down – Kathryn House

Stealing Jod's cheesecake after much drinking. – Nathan

Laughing doing donughts on school sidewalk. – Nathan

"I want to hear some Beasties" – Katy Wethal
Take care,

Please leave me a comment either on facebook or here on my blog.  Either place and I will get them to Jennifer.  

Also - if you feel like going the extra mile.  JOIN US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We walk every year in Davenport.  It is a wonderful experience and helps keep Kara alive.  That was her BIGGEST fear.  That she would be forgotten.  Please show her that she wasn't either by submitting a memoir or by joining us on the walk.  It doesn't matter if this is your first year.  Just come.  The walk this year is on September 24th at Modern Woodman Park in Davenport.  Please try and let me know in advance so we can get a t-shirt ordered for you.  They are usually around $10.00.  We usually get together at the Steeplegate Inn afterwards for beverages and stories.  If that doesn't work for this year, I will volunteer my in-laws backyard!  (Hi Pam!!!!)  Kara wouldn't have it any other way!

On an exciting side note - In 2011, Kara will be the memorial honoree for the Night the Light walk in Omaha, Nebraska.  We are all very excited for her to be recognized in this way.  

1 comment:

Pam said...

Beth I would be honored to have a backyard full of Kara's friends and family!